First off- I want to thank everyone at Bungie for making Marathon... The best Mac game ever!
Thanks for taking the time to Download this! I spent 10+ hours making this scenario, (And It's only the first few levels of what I hope will be a full game) And I like it.(I hope you will too) Please E-mail me with suggestions and comments (Constructive critism please) I haven't thought of a name yet for the game yet.
To turn Marathon into "The new Marathon" here's what you have to do-
1) Take the current Marathon map and put it in another folder(or re-name it).
2) Drop the file labeled "NEW MARATHON MAP" into the Marathon folder and re-name it "MAP"
*Now for the tricky part-
1) NOTE- This is irriversable!!! Make a backup of the Marathon file before doing this! (Only the Marathon file. Don't worry about shapes, sounds, etc.)
2)Open the res edit document labeled "Terminal Messages"
2.5) Open Marathon with "res edit". (Both are open at the same time now)
3)On "Terminal messages" file- Open up the Resource "Term"
4)Copy ALL of the Resources inside on to the corresponding marathon "Term" resource.
5) When it asks- "Do you want to replace ID's?" Say - "YES"
6)Save the changes and quit.
That's it! I need lot's of feedback. Is it too easy? Too hard? Stuck? Write me! Please tell me if you find any bugs or other problems with system software. Thanks!